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    Meaning of sitemap it's importance how to implement

    Sitemap is a list of Page in a website/blog. This help search engine find, crawl and also index all of your website content. Like a sitemap is like a file where you provide all the information about the pages, video, and other things on your site . Search engine like Google, bing and so on read this file to more intelligently crawl your site

    Types of sitemap

    We have mainly two types of site map 
    • Sitemap of Google also called HTML sitemap
    • XML sitemap

    Meaning of Google  sitemap also called HTML sitemap

    HTML sitemap is a HTML page where all the subpage of a website/blog are listed. It is usually linked in the fooster os a site making it visible to visitors. An HTML sitemap allows visitors to easily navigate a website. Example of an HTML sitemap.As you can see an HTML sitemap just list a your previous post into one page making it easy for visitors to navigate your previous post.

    Importance of html sitemap 

    It helps lost visitors find page in your website/blog they are looking for. This help you increase your traffic and you will also help improve ranking since user experience is part of what Google use to rank pages. And also help promote your On-page SEO.

    How to add an HTML sitemap on your blog

    Here is the big deal so many people know what html sitemap is but Don't know how to add it, while some know how to add it some don't know how to get it here is how to add a html sitemap  to your blog

    1. First and foremost you will need to login to your bloggers account
    2. Go over to page 
    3. Create a new page 
    4. Copy the code below
    <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
    <br /></div>
    <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
    <div id="sitemap3">
    <script> //<![CDATA[
    /* Blogger Sitemap Simple Title Only */
    var start=1;var max=150;var sitemap3Arr=new Array();function runSitemap3(){var scpt=document.createElement('script');scpt.src='/feeds/posts/summary?alt=json&callback=sitemap3&start-index='+start+'&max-results='+max;document.body.appendChild(scpt)} function sitemap3(root){var elem=document.getElementById('sitemap3');if(!elem)return;elem.innerHTML='';var feed=root.feed;if(feed.entry.length>0){for(var i=0;i<feed.entry.length;i++){var entry=feed.entry[i];var title=entry.title.$t;for(var j=0;j<entry.link.length;j++){if(entry.link[j].rel=="alternate"){var url=entry.link[j].href;if(url&&url.length>0&&title&&title.length>0){sitemap3Arr.push({'url':url,'judul':title})} break}}} if(feed.entry.length>=max){start+=max;runSitemap3()} else{var print='';for(var x=0;x<sitemap3Arr.length;x++){print+='
    <li><a href=\"'+sitemap3Arr[x].url+'\" title=\"'+sitemap3Arr[x].judul+'\">'+sitemap3Arr[x].judul+'</a></li>
    elem.innerHTML='<div class=\"judul\">
    Total Post: '+sitemap3Arr.length+'</div>
    '}}} runSitemap3();
    //]]> </script></div>

    5.Now click on option and remove commenting

    6.Now publish

    XML sitemap

    Here the deal XML sitemap is an XML file that is saved to a website server. It contains a list of all the subpage belongings to a website. XML sitemap was created only for search engine crawlers (bot) to discover pages from links within the site Here is an Here is an example of XML sitemap

    Why should i submit my XML sitemap to Google search console

    On a normal basis a XML sitemap is usually submitted to Google search console. To help it index your blog post. Submitting your sitemap to Google through Google search console is so important because it delivers  your blog/website information to Google crawlers.

    How to submit your sitemap to Google search console

    Since submitting your sitemap is so important here is how to submit it

    1. Firstand formost login to your blog
    2. Now login to Google search console
    3. At the top left corner you will see three horizontal lines click on it
    4. Click on sitemap
    5. Now enter the url you want to and add sitemap.xml example https://excelltechs24.blogspot.com/sitemap.xml. you can copy that and add your url 
    6. Now click submit and wait .


    Without sitemap we might just keep creating pages and blog post that might not even be indexed not to talk of appearing in Google. It would be wise if you create a sitemap when your blog is still young it helps alot.
    Thanks for reading fell free to drop your comment below and remember sharing is caring


    • Unknown
      September 18, 2020 at 12:17 PM
      Amazing fact thanks for sharing
      • Unknown
        Okereke Excellence
        September 18, 2020 at 4:20 PM
        Thanks for your feedback
    • Literary Express
      Literary Express
      September 17, 2020 at 10:05 AM
      This is very informative!
      • Literary Express
        Okereke Excellence
        September 18, 2020 at 4:20 PM